First Patent Applications Filed

Today Electric Vehicle Systems and Technology submitted its initial Provisional Patent Application. The Company described the filing as a “small but very important step towards developing the first suite of new products”. In the meantime, work has continued on physical design and testing of key elements of the patent to create a fully commercial product to take to market. Duncan Hedditch, Director of EVS & T, says that “We are now confident that we have found the product development opportunity we were looking for. We were never going to be able to out-engineer or out-resource the larger industry players, but experience has shown us, over and over again, that size is no barrier to innovation or creativity.  It is pretty pleasing to have shown, once again, that everything truly can be improved, and that there really are no barriers to creativity and innovation.” “We are now really looking forward to the day when we take our first fully commercial product design to industry.” 

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